Top Causes of Bad Breath Including Remedies!
1. Poor Dental Hygiene Habits
A build up of food, plaque and bacteria can be a cause of bad breath. This can not only lead to bad breath but also to dental disease such as gum disease and tooth decay.
The Remedy: Brushing twice daily, after breakfast in the morning and right be before bed in the evening to ensure the mouth is clean for as long as possible throughout the day and night.
Flossing once per day to remove anything from between the teeth, this is best done before brushing.
Mouth rinse is an additional step in your routine that can help reduce the overall amount of bacteria in the mouth, unfortunately this does not physically remove plaque and food so should never be used in place of brushing and flossing.
2. Gum Disease
Gum disease (periodontitis) can be a silent condition that leaves people unaware of the problem until the teeth become sore or loose. Bad breath can be a major symptoms of gum disease due to the build up of plaque and bacteria and the inflammatory effect it has on the gums.
The Remedy: If you experience bleeding when brushing or flossing that does not resolve within 2 weeks of daily flossing and twice daily brushing, then book an appointment with your dental professional to assess possible issues and to develop an appropriate treatment plan.
3. Dry Mouth
Dry mouth can be a side effect of many medications and because salvia works to buffer the mouth or wash away odour producing bacteria and particles, this can then lead to bad breath.
If you are otherwise well hydrated and you are not taking medications but still experiencing a dry mouth often, stress and anxiety may be a reason behind having a dry mouth.
The Remedy: Drinking water helps to wash away bacteria and lubricate the mouth, saliva stimulates and substitutes are also available to help relieve the symptoms of dry mouth and help reduce any bad breath issues. Sugar free gum and mints can help to stimulate saliva and aid in freshening breath. Try to avoid foods containing sugar especially mints and lollies.
4. Medical/ Health Conditions
Digestive issues – Acid reflux from the stomach to the oesophagus can be a cause of bad breath, this can be evident on the teeth themselves and is often described by dental professionals as acid wear or erosion
The Remedy: Ask your dental professional for signs of wear if you are concerned this may be an issues. Seeking relief by seeing your GP or trying a change in diet can help reduce acid reflux.
Respiratory tracts issues/infections – Respiratory tract infection can cause bad breath, this is due to nasal or sinus secretions passing into the throat and mouth.
The Remedy: If bad breath is consistent and other common causes have been ruled out or if you have other symptoms or respiratory issues please seek professional advice from your GP or a referral may be required for an ears, nose, throat specialist.
Smoking – Smoke particles can dry the mouth and allow for bacteria to increase more rapidly. Smokers are at a much higher risk of gum disease or periodontitis as nicotine reduces the blood supply to the gums, therefore decreasing your body’s defence against bacteria.
The Remedy: Quitting is the quickest and best way to reduce the risk associated with smoking and help resolve the symptoms of bad breath. in the short term, keeping the mouth very clean and free from particles such as bacteria, plaque and food will help to reduce odour.
5. Food
Foods and Spices – Garlic, onion and spices can be absorbed into the bloodstream, and may linger on your breath for up to 24 hours until the body has processed it.
The Remedy: If you notice that after eating a particular spice or meal that the smell lingers on your breath for a noticeable amount of time afterwards, then we would suggest steering clear of these foods on date night or the day before any event where you could be worried about having bad breath.
Dieting – Low-carb diets can be a cause of bad breath. This is due to the body producing a chemical called ketones, which happens when your body goes into a “fat-burning” state, also known as ketosis.
The Remedy: The good news is that this symptom is usually temporary and eating even as little as 50-70 grams of carbohydrates per day will bring the body out of ketosis and should help resolve any associated bad breath. If there is no difference within a few weeks, there may be another underlying issue in which you should seek professional medical advice.
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