Management of Loose Fitting Dentures

Management of Loose Fitting Dentures

Loose or ill-fitting dentures are an issue that many people deal with on a daily basis.  As we get older our mouths tend to change in shape, gum ridges shrink, the bone can shrink causing the jaws to misalign, all whilst the denture remains the same. Ill fitting and loose dentures ultimately can lead to sore spots in the mouth, a change in facial features as well as stomach issues from not being able to chew food properly.

So what can we do to manage this?

First and foremost, the best way to ensure good chewing function throughout life, is to hold to your natural teeth. In the upper jaw, three strong natural teeth are required as a minimum to secure a denture

Firstly it is important to understand nothing will ever be as comfortable as your own natural teeth. Full upper dentures are generally easier to adapt to due to the suction created from the palate of the mouth. Patients usually find they are able to function and eat while wearing an upper denture. However it is not always the same for full lower dentures, with minimal bony support, the tongue space and no suction, these teeth can be quite uncomfortable and move around the mouth.

If lower teeth can be preserved to use as an anchors and support the denture can improve comfort and function but in some circumstances this is not possible to do.

There are multiple ways in which your Dentist or Dental Prosthetist can help with comfort and function of dentures. These include;

Denture Adhesives
Adhesive products can be used to help hold your denture in place, they are tacky , gum-like products that work by sticking the denture to the gums. They are often a short term solution used in the interim of something more permanent.

Denture Reline
This can be done when a denture is loose and not fitting as it used to, often due to bone shrinkage. The dentist can take a mould of your mouth and get a lining placed inside the denture so that it will fit more precisely inside the mouth.

Implants to Retain Dentures
Implant retained dentures are a relatively new dental procedure that help hold a denture in place.

Small titanium posts, (usually around four to six) are implanted  in to bone and a bar or ball clasps are placed to attach the denture to

The time frame to complete the implant process varies depending if bone grafting or other preliminary procedures are required but usually takes around 6months.

Implant retained dentures tend to be more stable than a regular denture which improves speech, comfort and function also.

If you have any concerns with your teeth or dentures then the team at Riverside Dental spa (where we have both Dentists and Dental Prosthetists) would be happy to discuss options with you.


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